Birthday baby!

So my husband is turning 30 on October 9th. We've been ttc baby #1 since November and I hope and pray so hard that I can surprise him with a positive test on his birthday. Af is due on the 8th so the timing would just be so perfect for it! We've been married 5 and a half years and we're so ready for this baby! I told him several years ago that we'd have a baby (if we could help it) before he turned 30 because for whatever reason he thinks 30 is so old!(it's not!) I never thought it would take us so long. But even though the baby wouldn't be born before he turns 30 I could think of no better way to start a new decade of life then by creating a totally new life! So I just ask that you ladies (and gentlemen!) Pray for us! We enter the fertile week soon! Thanks and baby dust to yall!