
He says he needs to see what else is out there when we first broke up. Says he doesn't know how to go on without someone who means so much to him. Will always want me and still does but not right now. 😭😭😭
He's always wanted marriage and kids with me and is always the one who would bring it up!? I didn't put pressure on it though or anything!
Could he have commitment issues!? 
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AKA "Let me keep you in My back pocket all safe and secure and pure while I go sow my wild oats."  Fuck that shit. My hubby was a virgin when we met and has NEVER, even after 11 years of JUST sleeping with me, asked to "explore what's out there."  That's a BOY's excuse to sleep around. Tell him no;It's you and only you, or he can kiss you goodbye permanently. 


Emk • Sep 16, 2016
*lulling you. Geez auto-correct!


Skylar • Sep 16, 2016
Yeah that's why I think I'm so messed up


Emk • Sep 16, 2016
I don't know, that sounds so weird to me too though. Unless he was killing you into a false sense of security. Or some other idiot got into his head?


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Guy talk for 'will you have a seat on the back burner while I'm out being a pig?' 


Posted at
This is totally ridiculous. You have to respect yourself more than this as you are no ones second best! 


Renée • Sep 16, 2016
And worse, his sexual encounters with other women may leave him comparing you to others or make you insecure about who he was with etc. Trust me, you are worth being someone's first and only choice.


Renée • Sep 16, 2016
He may genuinely have been trying to change for you and I can hear in your reply that you really want to be with him BUT it can not be on his crazy terms. Are you really going to let him sleep around and then come crawling back. He will never fully respect your relationship afterwards


Skylar • Sep 16, 2016
He had us journaling in google docs and listening to marriage podcasts and discussing them at least once a week to help him with relationships since he thought they were sways stupid until he dated me and loved what we had. So why even bother with that shit