too posh to push

This is my second pregnancy and I am hoping that everything goes well and I am able to do a VBAC this go around. I work with all women who have almost all had at least one child. One of the ladies I work with didn't know that they have you the option to try for a VBAC so I explained to her what it was. She told me if she had the option to skip "Real labor" she would take it in a heart beat. Then informed me that actual labor was extremely tough and I would later bleed for 6 weeks and need to wear adult diapers. Also that it is nearly impossible to care for your newborn since the pain afterwords is so awful. I wouldn't say that I was offended exactly, but my feelings were hurt for sure. I am very proud of what I went though to get my daughter here safely and I absolutely don't think I took the easy way out!  
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Posted at
I've heard the opposite it's much harder to recover from a c-section then a vaginal birth, it takes more of a toll on your body . I hate the fact that women think they have the right to put other women down based on their birthing choices. You're still a mother no matter what you decide and you can't control every situation no matter how hard you try. Tell her to fuck off lol


Posted at
I think them coming out of a preexisting hole that is meant for them to come out sounds a lot better than making a brand new hole that is much bigger, having your organs pulled and pushed and getting sewn back up. The healing takes longer, the bleeding still takes weeks and you have a giant freaking scar!


Posted at
I had my daughter completely natural, and I labored at home for the majority of the time. It wasn't nearly as bad as some women describe it. And as soon as you feel the relief after the final push, it all seems more worth it. I also had a kidney stent in place when I was 37 weeks along and that fell into my bladder so walking Afterwards was more painful than normal. I don't think you took the "easy way" out because even a csection, you still bleed and still hurt. And you don't have to wear adult diapers, some women choose too. I wore the giant pads the hospital gave me and then wore normal pads when I got home. You do whatever birth you feel is right. It's your choice and don't let anyone impact that! Congratulations! 


Makayla • Sep 16, 2016
You can do anything you put your mind too! As long as the baby is born safe and healthy it shouldn't matter.


Hanna • Sep 16, 2016
I'm hoping to be able to do most of my laboring this time at home! I wanted a natural birth last time but it ended up not being an option since I had preeclampsia. They took my daughter at 35 weeks


Makayla • Sep 16, 2016
I was also able to take care of my newborn when I came home, even with the amount of pain. And the bleeding for some women doesn't last the full six weeks.


Posted at
It really pisses me off when someone says a csection is an easy way out there's nothing easy about it. If it was so easy then you would be able to have another baby right away after and not have to wait at least 6months to a yr to have another.. it's a serous surgery that messes with your body. And yes Labor sucks I had to be induced then had to do an emergency csection.. even with the epidural not working I rather of pushed her out I'm not saying it don't hurt but the pain I felt when they dug inside me and pain after I wanted to die for months after.


Posted at
I literally could not sit up in bed to pick my son up out of the bassinet, for 4 weeks after my csection. I was in so much pain I couldn't even walk more than 5 steps all hobbled over like an elderly woman. I would trade my csection for a natural birth any day but that lady is clueless. I almost died on the table I lost so much blood and I still have nerve damage in the skin between my vagina and belly button. I consider myself just as much of a real mom and I did experience two days of labour and even 15 minutes of pushing before being rushed off for surgery. Never again I tell ya, that shit was horrible. 


Posted at
Uhh, I had a vaginal delivery, no pain medications worked, 23 hours in labor, forceps delivery, 4th degree tear. Pretty much everything you try to avoid happened. But I STILL don't envy a woman who had a c section. Regardless of why they got one.  Your coworker realizes that's a major surgery right? I know for sure even though I had the worst possible tear you get during a vaginal delivery, my recovery was easier than any momma who had a C section. I always applaud c section mommas for being able to go through that! 


S • Sep 16, 2016
You are right. I had very similar experience with vaginal delivery and an emergency c section and would definitely vote for v back if it's an option.


Posted at
It's not a contest.  That's so annoying.