stop breastfeeding !

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️
okay click bait 🙄😜
I just really want to share my thoughts and experience..
I really really wanted to breastfeed. When I was pregnant I was so worried that it would be too hard, that she wouldn't latch, I wouldn't have enough milk etc. when my baby was born and she latched for the first time tbh I teared up because that was step one.. Never did I imagine it would be so HARD especially the first few days / weeks ... The first couple of days in the hospital I thought to myself 'it'll get better, I'll get home, be more comfortable and it'll be easier for me' because let's face it, having a baby stuck to your boob every 45 mins to an hour SUCKS. I love it, I love the bond it's created between us, I loved spending so much time with her..... But she'd constantly cry while she was nursing and I didn't know why. There were numerous of reasons of why she could have done that but to know which it was? If I wouldn't have had my parents help and support (I stayed with them for a month) I probably would have gotten depressed. It was especially harder at night when I was EXHAUSTED and she would nurse, cry, nurse, cry and so on... I would just cry. Not just a couple of tears here and there but CRY.
It was fucking hard, for me, it was hard. So many times I wanted to give up and just give her formula (in no way am I saying formula is bad, to breastfeed was just something I really wanted to do) 
Another thing was it held me from going out unless I had a bottled pumped. To this day breastfeeding in public scares me lol I've done it once but my mom was there and I felt secure 😂 but other than that I was scared. 
whether you're in this situation now or you're about to be, my point is don't give up! It will get hard, you will cry, you will get beyond exhausted but you will get through it. My baby is 2 months now and doesn't nurse nearly as much as she used to and sleeps through the night . You can do it , you're stronger than you think.
I understand everyone's situation isn't the same so please don't come here saying negative things. I'm sharing my experience and hopefully later when someone goes through the same thing they will remember they're not alone and it's just a stepping stone. 