my boyfriend is an asshole !!

we were st my house watching 22 jump street and it was so fun and my brother was in the room with us so obviously we couldn't do anything but we were like kissing and shit. And he got like super horny and kept trying to touch me and I was like no stop and he was like are we gonna fuck today and I said no I don't want to and then he just sat there in silence and then when the movie was over he fucking left and he said he's bored and he's leaving cuz he's pissed I won't fuck and that he's gonna have blue balls because of me. And I said why can't I come with you and he's like cuz I don't wanna be around you. I said fuck you don't text me you're terrible and he's like "as if I was going too" and now he's just sitting outside my house blasting his music using my wifi And he came to talk saying he's mad because he always does it when he doesn't want to do I should have the same respect for him. I'm so hurt right now, I love him so much and we lost our virginities to each other and we've dating 6 months. I'm not sure what to do :(( And btw I'm not sure why he's treating me this way because he always treats me amazing and always wants me happy so idk