Need to vent!!

So I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with Twins, and have had my family on my back with my weight since I got pregnant, also before! Having struggled with my weight for my whole life I decided to do something about it, I went to a personal trainer and ate heaps better ( losing 40 kilos), I worked so hard! During that time my mum and my sister would always say I was way to hard on myself with my eating and training ( which honestly was nothing extreme, just watched what l ate) they would always try and talk me into bad food, but at the same time always made me feel bad before about my weight! So now that l am pregnant I have been more easy on myself, I will admit that I have indulged! I don't feel guilty for it at all!! They were not there when I put in the hard work! So anyway, if I go to order like a milkshake or anything they both say no we are trying to help you! Also my twin girls are doing amazing health wise, and the doctors are happy! So if l get upset they make me feel bad! I know I will have to work hard to lose it again but I did it before and can do it again! My husband has been amazing through it all!! I'm just sick of them treating me like I am out of control and need there help!