father in law annoyance

I've been with my husband for 7 years and I love his family. However last year we bought our first house together. Since moving in his Dad turns up atleast once a week unannounced! He doesn't care if we have just woken up, just got out the shower or I've got friends round. He just comes in and demands a coffee and sits down with his muddy shoes for atleast an hour. I've spoken to my husband about it before but he says oh that's just dad. However my mum wouldn't dream of turning up without a phone call first. Now I'm pregnant I'm tired more often. I suggested we get blinds for our lounge window because once baby is here I want to be able to breast feed comfortably in my house without worrying that the bloody father in law is going to come knocking. My husband just doesn't get it! Am I being unreasonable and how do I approach this with his dad????