two days late

J • Oh
I'm two days late for my period, I am rather suspicious that I may be pregnant I have done the clear blue digital test but must have been to early to test or not enough pee... 
One- cravings are crazy strong I thought they maybe period cravings but nope they still hanging about!! 
Two- the other morning I felt like death like I was on the verge of vomiting but nothing came up 
Three- sleeping I could be sleep deprived as I have three month baby but she has started sleeping though the night so I'm rested pretty well, I just can't seem to get up and want to sleep all day (this happened with baby number one aswell) 
Four - I got this gush like I did the first time I was pregnant and that's what made me think I was pregnant aswell wasn't my period which I thought it might have been but nothing showed up!! 
Feel free to comment your symptoms and thoughts 😊 no negative ones please!!