Get turned on from the heart rather the eyes

Tori • Married with 2 year old mini me :) B/G twins due 4/2020
My husband and I have been together 8 years. I feel like our love is evolved in a way so much that I get turned on more from my feelings for him rather than appearance. That's not saying I don't think he's attractive because I absolutely do. But the attraction stems more from love then anything else. I am attracted to his work ethic, his kindness, his loyalty and his love for me. He told me sometimes he feels self conscious when we have sex because he has a tummy now. But honestly I do not see his flaws. They effect me in no way. I can see other men as being attractive but I feel nothing at all for them. I just hope when I am big and round and pregnant that he feels the same way about me. 💓