Getting rid of the "lipstick" latch

I've been on a roller coaster breastfeeding ride. In the hospital, my soon seemed to latch well, but by the second night at home I was in tears when I had to feed him. I broke down and gave him a bottle of formula. He was on formula for about a day and a half. Then I started pumping (which helped toughen up my nipples a lot) and giving him breast milk bottles. Though it worked, I was exhausted and rarely getting any sleep. I was finally able to attend a latch class (breastfeeding support group) yesterday and it seemed to help. I was giving him my breast wrong, but even in class I still wound up with the lipstick nipple. Not to mention he gets riled up and flails his arms which makes it hard to get to his mouth on the first place. He also doesn't seem to like to open his mouth very wide. The latch consultant said there wasn't any problem with his latch but my nipples state otherwise. He's currently 12 days old. Any advice?