
I don't know what to do anymore. I'm so sick of trying to focus and try to get my life back, but it's useless with the people in it. I'm tired of being yelled at/called an idiot for nothing doing certain thing. I have pretty bad anxiety. Today my 12 year old brother didn't go to school, he woke up late and didn't feel like going to school. I'm 17, and homeschooled. I was doing some school work, then had to deal with him blaring his game a foot away from me. I nicely asked him to turn it down, several times. He kept laughing or singing music very loudly to purposely piss me off, it worked. I got up, turned his game off. He started screaming at me "fuck you, fat stupid bitch that's why your boyfriend complains about you. Do something with your life" he's been calling me fat and a no life bitch all day. I have anxiety, I don't do much. And I haven't always cared about school. But this year I have. I then told him "I'm trying to get my work done, so I can have a good life. You're the one playing video games instead of being at school." My moms never around, my dad works a weird shift so he isn't home when it's time for my brother to go to school. I feel like I have to play mom. I'm 17.  Everyday I have to clean. Not just little chores here and there. Everyday it's cooking, cleaning, laundry, sweeping, dishes, everyday. By myself. I live with my 2 brothers and my dad. I'm trying, truly trying to focus on school. I'm a pretty depressed person and I get down easily. I can't afford counseling now, when my dad could it didn't help me. I don't know what to do. I'm so stressed out. I'm tired of being called a piece of shit or a lazy bitch because I don't have a job/car. I do my school work, like I said, never used to.  But now I do and I've been working at it. It's hard when I have to pretty much be a parent and deal with such negativity constantly. I've asked my two friends that I do have to come over/ hangout somewhere. Every time they get a new boyfriend, they disappear. I asked my mom one day if I could spend time with her since I hardly ever see her, and of course not. She's too busy. Even though she doesn't work, she just spends time with her boyfriend of like 6 months and doesn't live around here. It's so hard. I'm alone and struggling. Any advice? I'm losing it..