I was 14/ 15 when it happened can I just talk to someone about it?

So I'm in secondary school, it was a time when I didnt have a boyfriend or anything like that a boy in the year above I used to be friends with started saying he fancied me and became obsessed with me.. the attention was normal at first me and my friends as well as his always thought it normal. This was until he got forceful... I'd never see it happening to me. Even now I look back and I don't know what I did wrong why I froze. Long story short he touched me in places I didn't want to be touched he was forceful.. he did not rape me but he came up behind me sometimes and touched my breasts and sometimes other places and said one time to go away and to leave me alone when it was just us two and he slapped me... all of this at the time I didn't see it as what it was like I never believed it would happen to me. I cried every time it happened but I thought I was overreacting and that I was being silly and that's it's normal attention. It's not till I realised it was Groping. And I was violated. He texted me today. "Hello xxx" I never told anyone apart from a couple of friends I could trust. I don't know how to feel .. I guess some will probably think me stupid for not reporting it... but I don't know how I'm meant to feel it bothers me a lot.. and I don't know where to go from here.