Letter to the mistress

I'm not sending this to her but I had to get my feelings off my chest. It will stay hidden in the notes section on my phone forever... 
Dear Susan: 
My wife fell in love with you and you fell in love with my wife..... The thought of that makes me sick... It makes my stomach turn sour and makes my skin crawl.. My teeth start to grind and my eyes start to water... They water from the pain you have put me through and the sadness that has overtaken me physically and emotionally. You betrayed me... I trusted you around my family I let you in to my home. I let you in to my daughters life as a close friend of mine to be stabbed in the back so easily. You had no cares in the world except selfishness when you decided to take my wife away from me... No she shouldn't have let you but I do blame you Susan. You came in to our lives suddenly and nonchalantly. Your smile was genuine and your laugh contagious. We joked we hung out. You lied to my face. You lied and lied and lied again to cover up the lies you had already told. You slept with my wife in my own bed. Under my blanket I got for my birthday. Your naked body on my sheets that I washed. Your naked body in my shower that I pay for. Your disgusting naked body beneath my wife's. The sex toys my wife and I bought together inside you for pleasure. Disgust makes me tremble. The lies are overhwhelming and the images I can never escape my mind. You are worthless.... You are selfish.... You Susan Disgust me. I can never forgive you for what you have taken away. You have taken away my future... The love of my life... My spouse... My life partner... The mother of my child... The one woman I trusted more than myself.... The woman I said I do to at the alter.... You took away my peace of mind... My trust.... You took away so much from me and all I am left with is hate in my heart... I have hate in every inch of my body from my toes to the blonde hairs upon my head... Disgust... You have ruined me and I see no regret in your eyes... You are happy with everything you have done... You won Susan. You have my wife and y'all are happy now... I hate you. You don't deserve to be happy. You don't deserve anything you are so selfish you would steal the breath from my lungs if I would let you. I won't let you hurt me anymore. I gave up a short while ago when i realized my wife also chose you. I don't know what she sees in you. Your thin frail body.... Scars covering you from your face to your ankles.... Your lying brown eyes full of cunning deceit ... You tower over her like you are going to devour her for breakfast and I'm sure you have. The looks I've see. You and my wife exchange put me at a loss for words.. Yours eyes meet and you laugh in delight like you have so many loving secrets I will never get to know. You are children in lust that's all I can see. You flirting in front of the world for everyone to see. You embarrass me. I am embarrassed. Everyone knows what's happening my friends my family. I couldn't even keep my wife from running off with someone else. You should be ashamed of yourself. Disgust. The sick feeling comes back. It comes in waves. The moment I think of your kisses I could rip every hair from your little head. I sound evil don't I? Maybe just maybe I am. I feel Kookoo. Looney even sometimes. But I know thighs will get better. You two deserve eachother. The things I feel the things I say don't even sound like they are coming from me half the time. I cannot say why I am writing this because my reasons seem crazy. You will probably never read this but I hate you Susan. I just want you to know that I will never forgive you for the pain you have caused me and I hope you can live with yourself knowing what you have done to me. -the wife