My Rainbow baby borned 9/11

Yexii • I know God will send me my rainbow baby someday :)
Hello :) She was supposed to be born Wednesday September 7th got induced Saturday didn't have her until Sunday September 11 at 10:32 am. The problem was that I tried pushing at 5 am but she started to stress a bit so I had to stop. They also shut down my epidural so I could get the feeling back in my body to push harder. Her head was stuck and when she was able to push out of that they noticed that she was facing up and her shoulder was also stuck. The ob had to physically turn her completely upside-down and mind you I was feeling every bit of this and I wasn't done pushing. When she came out she was lifeless and not breathing or crying and she also decided to eat her poop. She had to stay on and oxygen thing, with antibiotics twice a day, her breathing was extremely fast so was her heart rate. Now Friday September 16th my rainbow baby is officially home. Born 7.3 lb 19 in.