My babies are here, born 9/16/16 @ 37 weeks πŸ’–πŸ’™

Samantha β€’ My husband and I are proud parents of two beautiful children, our daughter is 5 and our son is 3 now we are expecting twins due October 11th!
Yesterday was my induction, I was 37 weeks exactly. I came in at 6am already dialted to a 4 and 100% thinned, they broke my water at 6:45. They gave me my epidural right away before starting pitocin, everything went beautifully I never felt 1 contraction. At 945 my baby girl was born vaginally weighing 4lbs 1oz and then 952 my son came into this world weighing 6lbs and 4 oz. Currently both babies are in NICU, she is there for low birth weight and he wasnt breathing at birth so he is on a cap machine, hopefully he comes off of it today. My heart is so full and I am so inlove with my babies. Good luck ladies its all worth it in the end.