
Amber • Hi I'm Amber, I'm 30 & am pregnant with my second. I have a six year old boy and my SO has a nine year old daughter. We arent telling the kids until march, fir st appointment is on Feb. 11th. :-)

Went to hospital at 630am yesterday. I thought that my water broke... Wasn't water.. contractions were happening and strong just not close enough.

I also have a huge abcess on my leg at this time that they didn't want to drain because I may have been in labor. So I had my hopes up, I was so excited.

They monitored me while doctor got a called for 3 emergency surgeries so they had me walk until 1230...and checked me again.. 3cm.. soft but my cervix was too high and posterior.. so they decided to drain my abcess finally..

OMG!!! Lemme just tell u worst pain ever.. the gave me a shot of lidocaine which hurt like hell.. but didn't ensure I was numb yet before they stuck the scalpel n my leg.. I screamed like I was in labor it was awful.

They bandaged me up and sent me home.. needless to say I was emotional and hurting.. haven't stopped crying in and off since. I just want this baby out .. no more fake labor please! Due 9/19 & my job is making me start my maternity leave because this is the second false alarm in two weeks.. :-(