HELP me please


My 8 week old since birth hasnt slept well. Shes more settled since birth with her pains as we now use anti colic bottles, infants friend and wond drops. Now she will litterly only nap for 1 hr but can only handle being up for 1 hr to 1 1/2 hrs max!

Shes in a swaddle, ger dummy is in, i try patting her bum and sometines works. Ive tried getting her up to see if she actually wants to be up not asleep but then come time for her next feed shes to tired and fussy and wont drink! This goes around in a circle and continues till nighttime wen she crashes after crying for ages!

Now she isnt drinking much each feed and is just below what she should weigh (docter wasnt concerned as we need to see if she puts on weight)

She stirs alot while she is asleep like she is having a fit! That wakes her to! When shes to tired she wont eat and fuss at the bottle but then she wont sleep coz shes tired! Due to her being a hard unsettled baby from birth we resorted to rocking her to.

What do you guys recommend? I was thinking a pedtrician to rule out any medical issues