4th C-section = Nervous

I've had 3 previous c-sections and didn't plan on having anymore. But in July I ovulated late and now I'm 8 weeks pregnant. I'm looking for comfort and insight that everything will be ok. Has anybody else had more than 3 c-sections??
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It'll be ok! I'll be having my 3rd csection with this baby and would love to possibly have one more baby in 2 years God willing


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How'd your last one go? I recently read a birth story about a 5th c section and the doctor said there was no scar tissue--it looked like a 1st time c section from the inside! So it's totally dependent on the individual.


Jennifer • Sep 18, 2016
it went well. the doctor said I did have a lot of scar tissue but when they did my first ultrasound do my doc looked at my scar and said it looked really good so far and was nice and thick


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My stepmom did, everything will be fine i promise.


Kaitlyn • Sep 18, 2016
your welcome. just glad to help.


Jennifer • Sep 18, 2016
Thank you