I guess I'm the evil sister in-law now lol

cat • mama to 3!
So my in law story doesn't have to with my SO's family, but with my sisters boyfriend/husband/fiance-whatever he is! Ugh I hate him so much that I even cringe at the thought of calling him my brother in law. He's literally awful! He's seriously the definition of a piece of shit! He's a terrible father; my nephew (he's 2) would be playing right infront of him or my sister would be busy and he'd have to watch him and he would not even look up at his own kid. One time we were at my aunt's house and she has a very expensive taste of living, she has no kids and she's very wealthy so she can have nice things lol. Anyway, he was supposed to be watching him and we were upstairs and we heard this loud bang and my aunt yell. Turns out, my little nephew had knocked over the glass table, hmmm why is he alone?? and there my sisters bf was, just chilling on the couch acting like nothing is wrong. He has two other kids that he doesn't pay child support on. No seriously he doesn't want to get a job because "it's pointless that his whole paycheck goes to child support." That's his reasoning. He blew off two interviews because of it. My mom was so pissed! They lived with her and didn't like that she would pressure him to get a job. Seriously dont think it's that much to ask for since they never paid rent! I've made it very clear of my feelings toward him. Him and my boyfriend have gotten into fights because he's called me a slut and other choice words. HE HAS EVEN GOTTEN INTO A FIGHT WITH MY FATHER!!! He spit in his face!!! WHO DOES THAT! My dad literally grabbed him by the throat and told him to cut that shit out! He's threaten to sue my family. Yeah with what money for a lawyer, dude??? You're broke af! He confined my sister to get pregnant three years ago because they were homeless and he said they could get so much help if they had a baby. He literally has her under some type of spell because he has NO redeeming qualities. I think he has a mental disorder. His brother is schizophrenic and bipolar so it wouldn't surprise me if he has some of that too!!! I'm so scared for my nephew that he has to grow up with a father like that. My sister is blind to what he does. She was so much better without him but since she's been with him for the last 5 years, her life as been shit. They've been kicked out and homeless soo many times. She ended up having my nephew in the freaking woods because her boyfriends "friends" kicked them out at 9 months pregnant. My mom has tried to help, has sent them so much money and let them move back in but each time they just verbally abuse her. It's awful! I PRAY for the day she wakes up and realizes he is shit because her life is going to grt no better! Even when she had cancer, he did nothing!!!