Zoloft 100mg

So i was taking 25mg of zoloft while i was pregnant. I had my son May 31 and not until recently my doctor upped it to 50mg then tp 75mg now to 100mg.

I dont like the way the zoloft is making me feel. I go into like panic mode almost. Like i started sweating really bad and i feel like i am in a dream. Does this sound normal or would you say this is not the right drug for me. My anxiety is so bad its never ever ever been thos bad. I panic at least 3x a day and take an ativan daily. I am seeing a councelor but i feel like i will never ever get over this.

My anxiety is worrying about a heart attack i am so afraid. I had blood work and EUC and i still worry and everything came back normal.

Like i am 26 years old like why am i worrying about a heart attack. I eat healthy and exercise i dont smoke drink or do drugs. Like what are my chances.