UPDATE: My EBF baby won't take a bottle!

I desperately need some advice. Next month my sister is having a bachelorette weekend that I have to be at as the maid of honor where I will have to be away from my baby for several hours at a time. He'll be 3 months by then. He's never taken a bottle well since he was born and in the past couple of weeks he won't take one at all. We've tried tommy tippee, playtex ventaire, and munchkin latch. We've also tried level 1 and 2 nipples. My husband, sister and mom have all tried while I wasn't present and he ends up just getting mad and screaming and the only way to calm him is for me to come breastfeed him. This is seriously keeping me awake at night I don't know how I'm going to get through all the bachelorette party events and not take away from my sister's weekend if I don't figure this out. Any advice? UPDATE: thanks for all the advice ladies- the bottle warmer did the trick and now we can use all the same bottles we already had!!