contractions,bleeding and still sent back home

Hey ladies. Im a little worried. My due date was 9/15/16 and they have been checking my cervix for over a month and its still on 2cm, however this morning I had to call the ambulance bc of a pink discharged and also diarrea and 3-5 minutes apart constractions. When they monitored my belly the contractions were really high 130-133 and plus, this was every 5 mins. To make the story short, the doctor said im still not consider to be in labor bc my cervix is still 2cm, so he sent me back home around 6am, mind u I was there since 3 am with so much pain and throwing up and with diarrea. So I been home since 8am and i been with the same contractions, very painful the diarrea doesnt stop and the doctor still said I have to wait to get induce on 9/25 at 10pm. Thats 5 more days in pain. Im considering going to another hospital even though this one is one of the best ones in NYC. Please any advice? Who have experienced something similar? Thank u in advanced.