How my natural birth turned into a c-section.

birdrogers • I have a dog & a husband. If it weren`t for them, I would have 17 cats & live alone.
When they say one medical intervention leads to another, they aren't lying. This is a long one because it covers a few days time but I want to share with everyone, even though I doubt you will get through it lol. 
At my weekly doctor appointment last week, I was 39+2 & had a membrane sweep done. I was told I had a favorable cervix for it to work - 100% effaced, almost 3 cm dilated, & -1 station. I was really hoping to go into labor soon! When we were leaving, the nurse practicioner said to expect to talk about induction at my next appointment. I reminded her I had no interest in induction unless medically necessary. She said no prob, she will let the doctor know. My husband & I left. He went to work. I got a voicemail a couple hours later with a recording asking me to confirm my induction scheduled for Friday morning at 5am. I thought they had the wrong person so I called my doctors office. The lady at the front desk confirmed the induction was for me. WHAT THE HELL. We just had this conversation & everything was cool.  So I got a call from my doctor who told me that because of the few issues I've had with my placenta (lakes, low lying, & cysts) that I was at an increased risk for stillbirth if I go passed my due date. She was also worried because I am overweight. Whatever. Why wasn't this mentioned before? Needless to say, it was a shitty freakin day. I told her I would not confirm the induction until after I talked to my husband. Again she went over the "risks". After a couple days we decided we will just do the induction. After all, if anything happened to our baby, it would be because I was being selfish & I didn't want that. 4:45 Friday morning we showed up to the hospital. I hadn't slept much all week & was very anxious. They started the pitocin & I was having steady contractions & never really felt much pain. They checked me at 10a & I was 5cm. At 1030a, they broke my water & almost immediately went to 6cm. I labored for a little bit longer on my birthing ball with my husband & doula's help until I couldn't take the pain anymore & got some IV pain meds. Those made me nauseous so I got Zofran. Not long after, the pain was unbearable & I got an epidural. Everything is such a blur after this point. I barely remember talking to the anesthesiologist. I went to sleep for about 3 hours & when I woke up around 5pm I was 9 1/2 cm - ready to push. They called my doctor in & we started pushing. I thought I was doing a really good job. Doula & husband both cheering me on, helping hold my legs back.. It was great! Then I started feeling EVERYTHING on my left side. It was so painful so I got some more meds. I pushed for 2 hours when the doctor told me that baby girl turned sunny side up while I was asleep. She attempted to turn her & thought she was successful. I pushed for a little bit longer then our baby's heart rate kept dropping with every other contraction. She was getting distressed & I was too. Doctor told me to rest for 30 minutes & we would push again. After that rest, I was a new person! Started pushing again. Pushed for another half hour & was told that not only was she sunny side up again, but off to the side as well. She tried turning her but baby was too far into the birth canal. Doctor told us that we are in for the long haul or a c-section. I was still having intense contractions & kept pushing for 30 more minutes, hoping each push would be the last to avoid having surgery. At this point, I was so done. Just get my baby out healthy & I will be happy. So after 16ish or so hours of labor, I was prepped for c-section. Lots of family came in to pray with us before we went into OR. I was still feeling pain on my left side so they gave me more meds through my epidural & morphine in my IV. They started cutting me open & I could feel it. I was shocked at how much of a cutting sensation I could feel & they said it was normal.  A few minutes later, I felt them take out our baby then the placenta. I was talking throughout the whole process confirming what was going on. Soon after, I heard my baby cry. She was born at 9:17pm on 9/16. 7 pounds 8 oz 19 inches long. My husband tended to her & I was offered skin to skin but I was shaking terribly & was scared I would drop her. Apparently she had taken in a lot of amniotic fluid so they had to suction that out of her stomach before my husband could hold her. I was wheeled back into our labor room where our doula was waiting. I held our baby but was so traumatized & overwhelmed that I gave her back to my husband. Visitors came & went since it was getting late, around 11pm at this point. We were moved to the postpartum room & baby slept almost all night. Poor thing was groggy because of all the meds she got through me. My husband took care of her all night. This has been the hardest few days of my life but I can honestly say I wouldn't change it for the world. Well, maybe a couple things, but at least I still have this precious baby it my arms. Thanks for reading.