
So last week I noticed the father of my child was carrying condoms in his pocket, when I asked him why he was carrying them he said that he's just making sure he's protected at all times. We dont use condoms & when I noticed them in his pocket we had sex twice & didn't use not one... I understand that we aren't technically in a relationship but I didn't think he would be attempting to sleep with someone else, I mean that's what that means right.?? Id really feel some type of way if I'm sitting here 4 months pregnant with his child & he's out her doing other women. Last night he came & spent the night & they were in his pocket again, only this time I didn't pull them out & count them. Last time there was 4, condoms aren't sold in 4 packs thats a fact. I kinda feel like it's none of my business to what he's doing since we aren't together.