Moment of appreciation

Stephany • Colombian | 24 | Married ✨
As I sit here, at 5:00am trying to rock my 1 month old daughter to sleep (been unsuccessfully trying since 3:15am) I came across a post of a lady talking about how she misses her pre-baby life.... & I ask myself, do I miss my life before my baby? I don't. I want to take a minute to express my gratefulness and appreciation because I am exactly where & how I want to be. I am 24 years old, about to be 25 in two days & I never felt so at peace in my life. If I didn't have my baby right now, I'd be longing for her... Yeah, sleep was nice, but I got plenty & now I don't change this quiet morning, with my daughter laying on my chest for all the millions in the world. I gotta admit, that my husband played a huge role in my post partum recovery, & thanks to him I went through this emotional roller coaster smoothly and successfully. I just wanted to take a minute to thank the universe and fate, or however you wanna call it, for aligning all the events that made it possible for me to be here, enjoying this sleepless yet blissful moment...