Back on the pill!

Megan • May Leigh
I'm about to have my first period on birth control after taking a year hiatus. 
I was on a strong dosage for six years that gave me four periods a year. It was a blessing to say the least, but my body became accustomed to the hormones and I ended up having break through. I was getting two periods a month and my doctor recommended that I take a year off to reregulate my hormones.
It was a strange year to say the least.  I know many women don't feel like themselves when starting birth control, but I've found that I like the control over my mood and emotions that birth control gives me. My body never regulated to a normal 28 day regular cycle either. Though, I was kind of expecting that since my periods were heavy, painful, and sporadic to begin with (which is why I started birth control).   
Anyways, I am happy to say I'm back on the pill. And, I'm excited to have a place to track how it effects me physically and mentally. Having a group strong women to share my thoughts and concerns with doesn't hurt either. Wish me luck on my journey ;)