False / pre labour 39 weeks

Had my show on Monday. Before that I'd been feeling off in general. Since then I've had near constant Braxton hicks,
Sometimes slightly sore. I've cramps in my cervix. I feel tearful at times with indigestion,
Nausea and a constant need to poo ( although I don't always need to go)
I am using the loo a lot more. 
Every time I think something is happening it stops again and I feel normal. 
I hope all these symptoms are doing something because I'm getting a bit peed off with this pre labour. 
Reaching the end of my tether. To top it all I'm sick of people asking if there's any news! My sister asks me every day if I'm holding off for a specific date! As if!
She has a special affiliation for every number... And why it might be nice for baby to born then. 