Ingrown hair tretment that really works

Arianna (Ana) • I live in Michigan. I am married to my best friend and we have our daughter Alice and our son Josiah and daughter Lucy. <3

I don't know about all you ladies, but most of the time when I shave my bikini area I get ingrown hairs. 😜 I've read lots of articles and tried lots of ways to get rid of them/prevent them but nothing had worked. Then I tried Comfrey Salve. It works amazing! I just put some on after shaving. If I see any spots that look a little red I put a little on the spot in the morning and the evening, by the next day or so the hair just pops out from under this skin!

Comfrey salve consists of comfrey infusion, extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, tea tree oil, and goldenseal root powder.