Hi ladies!! I'd love to share my story for fellow PCOS cysters. 
I'm 28, PCOS cyster. Symptoms are Amenorrhea, or lack of period. I currently don't have cysts on my ovaries, but a lot of follicles. I confirmed this with the Femvue test with my specialist.  I started taking Gaia Chasteberry Vitex supplements daily to help support my lower progesterone since I stopped the pill last year, and it helped me get my period. My husband and I decided we were going to try to conceive this past August, so I lowered my dosage to half of the Vitex and I took prenatal vitamins daily. I tracked my ovulation with Clearblue ovulation kits, and although they say you can't use them if you have PCOS, that wasn't the case for me. I had tracked my cycle with Glow for a few months beforehand and realized my cycles average 35-40 days, so I started testing my ovulation around 10 days before that timeline. I first got a blinking smiley face, or a high fertility phase, for a few days. Then I tested one morning and got my solid smiley face, showing I was ovulating. My husband and I had sex that day, and I made sure to lay there for 10 minutes afterwards to give the little guys a chance. I took a pregnancy test last week around Thursday. It came negative. It must have been too early, because on Sunday it was positive!!! I cannot believe how lucky we are. I took two tests to make sure, and have a doctors appointment for October 6th. We aren't telling our parents until Halloween so we're at least two months, and then the rest of the family on thanksgiving. I wish all of you women who are TTC lots of baby dust. I'm glad I can share my story here, because holding this in for over a month is going to kill me!! Xxoo