To those TTC with PCOS - Please never give up

Haley • 💙💙 Baby Boy Due Dec 16' 💙💙

I am a PCOS survivor. I was diagnosed almost a year ago after my second miscarriage in 6 years. I was told by countless doctors that I would not be able to conceive without fertility treatments. Even before I was diagnosed. They didn't know what was wrong, they just knew that I wasn't ovulating and my ovaries were in really bad shape.

Fast forward to March of this year - After more hospital trips than I can count, weeks and weeks of missing work, endless pain and tears, cysts rupturing weekly. I went to a new doctor because I was so so sick all the time. He prescribed my to androgen blocking hormones and birth control to start my next cycle. The birth control was to minimize cysts enough for my ovaries to heal so I could begin fertility treatments. I refused birth control for years because I never reacted well to it and I was afraid it was going to ruin my slim chance at ever becoming a mom. I started taking the hormone blocker and waited for my next cycle to start which was 2 or so weeks away. 4 weeks pass, then 5. I was about to start taking the BC to try to kick start my cycle because I was tired of waiting. But something told me to test first.

It was positive. I couldn't even believe it. I was in complete and total shock. Then the irony of the situation was almost hilarious. I was terrified of miscarrying again but my doctor started progesterone treatments at 5 weeks. Which was absolute hell. I was so deathly ill but I stuck through because I was determined to have this baby. Week after week passes. I hear his heartbeat for the first time. I see him at our 12 week ultrasound. We made it. We made it to the safe zone. Then I found out that he is a boy. Now I am in my 3rd trimester and my baby will be here in 2.5 short months ❤

I am blessed because this child is an absolute miracle. I had given up on the idea of ever becoming a mom. I spent years mourning over the children I lost and the ones I never thought I would have. I went through pain, endless pain of cysts rupturing. Bottles and bottles of pain medicine. So many times I wanted to just give up because I was missing out on life and I was just tired of being sick.

I prayed for years, charted my ovulation that never happened. Tried every TTC trick in the book only to be let down. But now here I am about to meet my tiny human that I prayed for years to be able to carry and meet.

Please don't give up. I know how hard it is. I know much it wears on your body, mind, and heart. I know the sinking feeling everytime you get a negative test. Or when your cycle finally starts after 60 days. I know how draining it is. I know it's hard reading about someone who successfully conceived when you fail to time after time. I feel for you. My heart aches for every single one of you. All I can say is don't give up. Don't stop trying and don't stop praying. Miracles do happen but it just may not be when you expect them to.

If anyone wants to talk I am here for you. My heart is with every single one of you. You are not alone and there is hope.

Much love ❤💙💚