This is my boyfriends and I first month TTC and I've been feeling all types of crazy

This is my boyfriends and I first month TTC and I've been feeling all types of crazy. Two months ago I really thought I was pregnant, turned out it was a cyst. But this month we. Other decided we're going to get this right. But anyway I'm 7 dpo today or so I think and something told me to test. So I tested and when I came back it was the most noticeable positive ever. It threw me back a little, I was too excited. I haven't told my bf yet as I said we could test together(but me being me I couldn't wait) so I'm just going to wait until he wants to test and act surprised as if I didn't know haha. But that's my story.
​I had taken 2 more test to make sure and there it was BFP!