Hope for those who lose one twin...

Hi just wanted to quickly post about how I was preg with twins, lost one of them, and successfully ended up with one very happy and healthy baby.  At about 15/16 weeks I had a routine ultrasound sand found out that one of my babies had stopped growing. This came as a shock bc I had no cramping or bleeding at all (and never did, the lost baby just absorbed in to my body!) I was saddened but thankful that one baby was still good (we had many miscarriages in the past). I was a nervous reck for the anatomy scan at 19 weeks but then we got this cool ultrasound pic of what looks like a woman kissing our baby girl ❤️. It gave me strength to think that someone was watching out for her 😊 At 38.5 weeks I delivered a healthy baby girl who has been the best baby ever the past 3 months! After experiencing one twin loss I hear that it is more common than you'd think...and in the end you can come out with one great kiddo 😘