hello I'm here to vent...

I am 20 weeks pregnant, and I'm super stressed. My husband is on deployment, and has been for 4 months. My hormones have been all out of whack for the past month and a half. In the beginning of this deployment my husband called me twice a week, and would FaceTime me like crazy while he was at port. Now I hear from him once every 2 weeks, and when he's at port he doesn't want to talk and I have to practically beg him to video chat me.. I know it's my hormones really getting to me but my brain automatically goes to "is he cheating? Has he found someone else? Does he not love me as much as he did?" And I know in my heart he wouldn't do that to me but it's a constant thought in my head everyday. It gets worse when other Navy Wives tell me they hear from their husband everyday, and their husband facetimes time them every chance he gets... And while they are telling me this I'm sitting next to them being extremely jealous and hurt. And I know it's not anything to do with ranks either because there are a few Navy Wives whose husband is below my husbands rank.. My husband does email me every other day but he only says very few things... I know he's working really hard I mean he is ON deployment... I just thought I would hear from him more... I heard from him more when he was in boot camp then now... My hormones are making me extremely crazy...
Also my husband is very talkative when it comes to sex. Has been since the day I've met him 3 years ago. In the beginning of the deployment he constantly said something about it over the phone. Now he doesn't mention it at all... Even when we actually are FaceTiming he doesn't say a word... He comes home in less then 4 months from now... And I'm just not sure what to expect from him when he gets home.... Try not to be mean with your comments as I'm already hormonal and it won't make my thoughts or depression any better.... End vent....