Need opinions

Ok need some advice so I was suppose to start AF on the 19th this month. I had brownish pinkish spotting 14th and the 15th but only when I wiped in the morning nothing the rest of those two days then on the 16th I filled like a tampon and a half the whole day with pinkish and red blood. 17th didn't even fill 1/2 tampon all day.then 18th 19th I didn't dark brown spotting again. Normally if it's AF I'd bleed like there's no tomorrow and fill atleast 5 tampons a day. Been having alot of cramping in my left side of my uterus, been very tired, nauseous,emotional, very clingy to my hubby where I just want to be in his arms all day and not do anything else clingy . Fast forward to today I'm still having these symptoms I took a pt Thursday night bfn. I have no idea what's going on and with this cramping it's so weird only being on my left side. Help anyone else had this happen?