Pressure point that hopefully works!!

Kaitlyn • Republican, artist, and married to the love of my life💕
So today I just got the daith piercing! I got it on both sides because I'm super OCD about even numbers but the piercer only recommended one lol of course she was more than happy to do both for me! This piercing is rumored to relieve migraines, get rid of anxiety, and balance hormone levels. More people than not said that it completely reduced their number of migraines or got rid of them altogether! The pressure point is called point zero! Even if it doesn't work for you, at least you have a super cute piercing! But for relief in these areas you must get the bar instead of the ring! That's what my piercer told me!  ( P.S. my ear isn't dirty I promise! They just wiped it down with iodine before they did it! )