Tww feels like a lifetime........

Emma • Pregnant with baby boy #2 due August 2017
So I ovulated on 18/19th September (well on a clear blue opk I had a flashing smiley, we then went away with the in laws and so didn't test anymore so could have ovulated quite a few days after. This was the Saturday. We baby danced every day until the Thursday, and my AF is due on 6th October) Ive been testing for 4 days now and still bfn, I've been taking my 10miu pregnancy strips too? I know it seems early but when I found out I was pregnant with my first (who is now 14 months old) I was 8dpo when I got my first faint positive. How many dpo would i be now because going from when i got my flashing face would make it quite a high number. I know I'm not out until AF shows her ugly face but I was really hoping for a bfp by now if I was pregnant x