Baby girl born at 36w4d

We'll I guess it's my turn to share I was due Oct 22 but baby girl decided to come early I was at work (kfc) and someone had to put ice in the ice machine for me after they finished I slipped I didn't fall but it hurt so bad I felt like I had broke something but I continued to work after 30 mind the pain went away I was talking to my manager and all of a sudden I felt warm liquid running and I told my boss I think my water broke I called my mom and then the ambulance came long story short I had c section and at 11:01 on September 28th my baby girl Peyton Arielle Andrews was born my world changed she weighed 6 lbs 6 ozs she's in the nicu because of feeding and sugar issues she also has dandy walker malformation I wish I can bring her home it gets harder everyday..