He's finally here!


Went in for induction at 41 weeks exactly on monday Sept 26th. Had 2 rounds of cervadil which only brought me to 2 cm. That was enough for my Dr to break my water. On Wednesday morning I was finally able to receive an epidural and start pitocin. Thank God for that because I hadn't slept for more than a few hours at this point. As the contractions became stronger and closer together the baby's heart rate would drop with each contraction. If things didn't start looking up they would need to stop the pitocin and perform a c section instead. As much as I didn't want that to happen I knew I didn't have much of a choice. As the day went on he started tolerating the contractions enough to continue. I had finally made it to 9cm! Less than an hour later and it was time to push! I never had a birth plan or decide to have anything special happen while giving birth. My doctor insisted on having a mirror there for me to watch. And to be honest I'm so glad I agreed. As weird and gross as it was.. it helped and I was actually able to watch my son be born. When I got to the point where he was about to crown I went through a few rounds of pushing and couldn't move him further along. The doctor then told me he would like to use forceps to move this along. Well I didn't want that so I made sure I put every single ounce of everything I had in and he was here in less than 2 rounds. The cord was wrapped around his neck twice and that was why his heart rate kept going down during labor. As soon as I heard that little cry I burst into tears. He is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I'm so glad he's mine.

Joseph Louis Daily. September 29th at 12:57 am. 5lbs 14.7 Oz 20 inches long.