Emotional disaster!!!!!****


I need to know this is not just me

..i almost feel like im going crazy and i need to be diagnosed with something. I was on the baby train ttc until a month ago. My husband started getting depressive and moody. Noone else effects me like he does. I try not to let his bad mood get to me but i cant help it. I stay pretty level as far as emotions go and fairly happy. But i have also felt depressive, sad, i want to cry all the time. I get into anger rages to where i could cry. I just have a million emotions swarming in my head and its driving me crazy. Ive checked, not pregnant. Ive never been diagnosed with depression before or anything. But i have this overwhelming feeling of neglect by everyone and sadness. Im trying to get over it and quit pitying myself. Does anyone else go through these phases and it go away? I had one panic attack eaelier this year and havent been the same since so i guess it could be from that. Never had that as a problem before.