Warning ⚠️ Rant

I'm pretty frustrated right now. I had done my school winter musical the past year and I really wanted to be a part of the fall play this year. I know that there are limited parts for the fall play so I already made up my mind I would do tech if I didn't get a part. However, I really wanted to audition to see if I got a part, and most importantly get on the new drama teachers radar. However, I'm also in the marching band and there was an overnight trip the same weekend as when the show is that was expensive and already payed for. At least, I could still help out in tech. I tried to explain to my mom the reasons for me wanting to still audition. The first time she yelled at me for wanting to make a large commitment at all in addition to my school work, even though I had told her of it before. The second time she continued to yell at me because I was confusing her on what I wanted to do how it would work. The third time, my mom simply said to me, "the band trip was to expensive. You can't audition." I wasn't entirely happy, but I respected her decision because of the financial situation we are in right now. Then tonight, I told her how I was happy for my friend because she got a call back. My mom responded by asking me why I didn't go to the audition. She could not even recall how she directly told me I could not audition for the fall play until I reminded her. She was under the mind set that I still was going to audition to find out if I would get a part. I'm just really flustered that she changed her mind but didn't think it was important to tell me because she knows how much I would love to have a speaking role. Of coarse, it doesn't help I'm an emotional bomb from my hormones right now.