Single Mom Vent

Lately I've been feeling really down on myself and depressed. The father of my baby and ex of five years decided that things weren't working out when I was around 4 months pregnant. I am now 36 weeks and he has been stringing me along, still having sex with me and telling me he loves me everyday and giving false hope that we would get back together and be a family again. I moved in with my mom when he decided things weren't working out but he's been doing this mind game since I left. He put it on our son's life that he wasn't with anyone else and didn't want to be, that he was trying to get his shit together for our son. He's been doing pills, he looks terrible and has lost major weight. Today I found out he's been messing with a young girl that's still in high school and lying to me about her and to her about me. I do not know how to move on from this relationship, I have tried a million times with no success and just can't let go of the memories we have shared. I'm confused and alone. I've done everything myself.. I need a miracle to get over him. Should I allow him to be in the delivery room?