CD 42 & negative pregnancy test

Amy • 31, hopeful to be a mommy someday!
My hubby & I have been TTC for 2 years. I was put on Metformin in Jan '16, got a positive pregnancy test on 3/5/16, yet sadly had a MC on 3/28/16. We waited until Sept to try again. My last 3 cycles after my MC were 34, 37 & 35 days long. Today marks day 42. I've taken several cheapie pregnancy tests-all negative. I was experiencing mild cramping & bloating last week & thought I was getting my period, but nothing yet. I was also having increased EWCM-unusual this late on my cycle. I've been tracking my BBT but it fluctuates so much that I don't see any trend. I'm not having nausea, breast tenderness or spotting. I'm thinking of trying the first response test next because I heard it is more sensitive. Does anyone have any insight? #anxiously awaiting my BFP & rainbow baby