She is here!

Gabs • Mother to Maisie • October 4th, 2016 👶🏼🌸 Mother to Arthur • May 31st, 2018 👶🏼💙 Mother to August • November 9th, 2020 👶🏼💙
Everyone, meet Maisie Elisabeth Currey! The most beautiful part of me. 
I was in denial of my contractions as they were seemingly only 2-7 minutes apart and not really ever getting more regular. It was constant back pain and period cramping type pain. I am a FTM so I was obviously unsure of what to expect. Went into L&D just to be checked out, found I was 1cm and 80% effaced. Within 3 hours I was 4cm. So glad I had gotten to the hospital finally at 5am after being in labor since 1pm yesterday (10/03) and by 6:38pm today, October 4th, I was holding my 8lb 1oz, 21in baby girl! 
Ladies please do not second guess your intuition. I waited so long to get to the hospital that she ended up passing meconium from the stress. Even with that, she scored 9 & 10 on the Apgar. I am so in love. I only tore a little right by my clitoris. She came out in 4 contractions and 12 pushes! I got the epidural finally after 7 hours of excruciating back labor and ended up dilating 4cm in one hour after that. Her original due date was Sunday, but she came today on 10/04/2016!
My little beauty