early birthday surprise from my boyfriend ;)

So today was a really stupid day. I just felt all depressed and stuff. Id been looking forward to seeing my boyfriend (of two months) all day after leaving a study group. I get to his place, sit down with him and his room mate. He's got this super serious look on his face that worries me like immediately 😂 I asked him what was wrong and he says "we need to go to my room and talk." Oh my god lmao. I started panicking ofc.
 So we go to his room and he gets right to the point and quickly pulls out a paper, and says "so those free tests I took last week at work came back, and I'm positive for chlamydia." I started laughing and saying nah, you're messing with me. So he starts crying omg 😩 tears are rolling down his face and he's so worried that I'm going to leave him right there.
 Like I 100% know he's only been with me while we've been together so that's not a problem, and yeah I should have made him get tested before we did anything. He is the SWEETEST guy who seems the least likely person to ever have something as gross as an STD. But wow, lesson learned 😂 y'all please, make your guy gets tested before you do anything with him 😩 because now it's a few days before my birthday and I have chlamydia how amazing!1!1! but I'm just thankful I'm old enough to get this fixed without involving my parents haha. 
Sorry for kinda rambling, I just really felt like talking  about it. If y'all have some kind of similar story to share I'd love to hear 😂