done with being pregnant. (crying rant)

Literally bawling my eyes out because I'm in so much physical pain from being 39 weeks and everything is failing. My hips hurt so effing much I can't walk, I have pregnancy arthritis in all of my joints and my knees can barely push me up from a chair.... my back hurts so much that it will catch and pinch the nerves to my hips and make my legs almost give out. I'm super tiny 5'3 at most and im barely over my pre pregnancy weight which was 180. I'm currently 194 and it's all baby (morning sickness was so bad I lost 20-25 lbs in the first three months and didn't regain until 6 months.) 
I was supposed to get an induction slot at my hospital but got pushed off cause of women over their due date. So my doctor swept the membranes to try to help my labor along (I've been having contractions for two days) I'm 95% effaced and 2.5 cm dilated but even though the contractions are horribly strong... they aren't consistent enough for my hospital to keep me. I'm just so tired my hubby doesn't get much more pto and because we had the slot he went ahead and took his time off... all three days of it.. now I don't get my coach even if I go into labor and he doesn't get to hold his baby girl or cut the cord after she's born. We've tried everything from sex to pineapples to walking for five hours straight which is a feat all on its own. I just want my little girl and to have her daddy there... 
If anyone had recommendations to get her here let me know. Also my doctor is the one wanting to induce cause my body isn't holding up well. 
This is a picture from last night. With how big I am she thinks it'll mess my knees and hips up permenantly if we don't get labor going this week. This is me before the pregnancy 
Not in the best shape but I was doing roller derby then. Also ignore how bad that room was my ex trashed it when he moved out and I was in the process of moving as well.