so confused!!!

Jessie • Wife💍
So I started using OPKS this month and first time I used it after a couple of minutes it was dark, so I posted on here asking if I had already missed it as this was 4 days after AF, but was told was positive, I've still been testing daily and have done one this morning that I came back to a few hours later and is dark (cheap one) so I've done one from boots which is still a cheap one and after maybe 10 mins max the test line is as dark as the control line. So am I ovulating now? Or have I already done it? I'm so confused!! It doesn't help I've just done night shifts so don't know wether i'm coming or going😂
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They darken as time goes by.. usually if not read within the first few minutes they can't be trusted lol You might also be one of Those who show colour all month.I'd recommend getting a reliable brand and testing from cycle day 10


Su • Oct 5, 2016
Good luck lovely, I know how confusing it is when you first start using those little suckers!


Jessie • Oct 5, 2016
Thank you!! I posted when I first tested and asked if they were abit like pregnancy test and can darker after but not then be true, I'll get some better ones for next month:) thank you!! X