Labor and UTI


Contractions started at 1am and we're coming every 3-5 minutes. From noon to 3pm they slowed down and I only had 3 during that time. My midwife had me get an adjustment from my chiropractor and they started back up. By 6pm they were intense and coming every 2-3 minutes.

We got to the birthing center at 8pm. I was only dilated to a 3. Contractions kept coming but also started to slow down again. They checked me at 10:30 and I was still a 3.

She had had me start a Kidney Activator earlier in the day in case it was a UTI. She said a UTI in pregnancy is not noticeable most of the time and then shows up in looking just like labor.

I was so exhausted at this point from laboring all day. They sent me home, warm bath, glass of wine and a benadryl to see if that helped to slow things down. It did some and I was able to sleep off and on through the night. I continued the medicine through the next day with contractions coming very irregular but still coming. More signs that I'm dealing with UTI.

56 hours later and the contractions are basically gone. My uterus is mending from the work and I'm praying I get a break today and she comes tomorrow.

I did lose my mucus plug with bloody show yesterday which is a good start to the real thing.

My midwife said that none of the work was in vain and it dropped her lower, softened my cervix and it's preparing me. But that was terrible. So painful and long and no baby yet. Ready to meet her more than ever now!