ttc while working a job I hate

Really just venting, not looking for advice. I feel so stuck in my job, and would be less stuck if I could just get pregnant. I would leave my job but for the most part, you need to be with your job for 1 year before qualifying for paid maternity leave. We could pause ttc until I'm with my new job long enough, but I'm 32 and have to try to have my children before age 35 for genetic reasons and a procedure I am supposed to get done as close to 35 as possible. I also have a mandatory meeting in Mexico in 3 months. I don't want to go because of the risk of Zika. If I'm pregnant, I can get out of it. If I'm not pregnant at the time, they can fire me if I don't go (I spoke with a lawyer about it). I could go to the meeting (if not pregnant) and then put off ttc for a few months until it's safe to try again, but it would kill me to pause ttc because of a job I hate. My management is terrible and it's not a job I have any plans to keep after maternity leave, for many reasons but the biggest being I travel constantly for work and do not want to do that after having a child. I feel sooo stuck and I would at least have a light at the end of the tunnel with the meeting in Mexico and being able to eventually leave the job if I could just get pregnant 😭