Painful breast

Nikki🍀 • Married to my soulmate since 3/15/15 💍 • Mom of 👧🏻💖 born July 2016, 👦🏻💙 born March 2018, and 👶🏻💙 born February 2021 • Completely blessed beyond measure 🙏🏻
Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with my right breast hurting quite a lot. Fearing a clogged duct, which I had before and ended up abscessing, I immediately got out of bed and pumped, and then woke up my daughter and made her empty the breast the rest of the way. I felt all over my breast and squished it, trying to feel for any lumps, but couldn't find any. However, it still really hurt. I figured it would be better in the morning, yet when I woke up this morning it was still just as painful. I had my baby empty it again, and once again squeezed it all over and couldn't feel a single lump, just awful pain. Could I have a clogged duct somewhere deep inside that I can't feel? I figured with my breasts being somewhat small I'd feel anything that was in there. Could it be mastitis without a clog? I also thought of thrush, but my daughters mouth looks fine, and there's no discoloration on my breast either. Anyone ever had this happen? Any ideas?