Saige • 15 ✨ | Isaac amaro 👣 | 10.14.16 😍 | Blessed 💙
I am seriously so pissed! I'm 15 years old & my dad that I have no relationship with whatsoever lost his job for doing drugs & I was getting my insurance from his work, now that he lost his job I don't get insurance from there & I had to go on IEHP & now my doctor won't see me & im 36 WEEKS PREGNANT! I've called every where around us & no one takes IEHP, even if they don't I ask if I can pay the money out of pocket & they say no, or they take IEHP but since I'm so far alone they won't take me, I'm am so stressed out because i have no idea what to do & I really don't wanna hear comments about me being 15, I get it, wasn't the smartest thing to do but I love my son & I don't regret him at all I am very blessed, but I am so upset & stressed because I've literally called everywhere around us! I have no idea what to do..